This is OpenHomeopath Version released on 31.07.2014.
After a fundamental revision of the entire code and database structure I'm glad to publish the first stable release of OpenHomeopath after more than 7 years work.
If you still find bugs or if you've a question please contact me.
Version 1.0.2 released on 31.07.2014:
Update the layout to HTML5 and switch from table to CSS-Layout with some enhancements.
Creating the Express class from the Express scripts includes.
Adding CSS-stylesheets for mobile devices with some fixes (not finished).
Fixing a lot of bugs.
Version 1.0.1 released on 07.06.2014: Bugfix-release, added this changelog.
Version 1.0 released on 05.06.2014: First stable release after more than 7 years work and a fundamental revision of the entire code and database structure. The most important recent changes:
Essential modernization of the layout.
Possibility to view or download the repertorization result as PDF.
You can weight the rubrics during repertorization.
The rubrics in the Materia Medica are now presented in treeview like in the repertorization.
In the Materia Medica the rubrics can be filtered by main rubric and minimal grade.
In the Symptominfo the remedies can be filtered by minimal grade and sorted by grade, name or short name. When sorting by short name the remedies will be presented in a more compact form.
Reimport of the repertories from OpenRep: Kent, Bönninghausen, Boger and the Repertorium Publicum. I also reimport the German Kent from the Bergische Akademie after an essential revision.
Cross-references were also imported and can be reviewed in the Symptominfo.
Update and reorganization of the OpenHomeopath manual and full translation of the manual in English.
Extensive use of object-oriented programming (OOP) and reorganization of the PHP source code in classes.
Translation of all table-, class-, function- and variable-names and also all comments in English, so that international developers can join the project.
OpenHomeopath is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenHomeopath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
Here you find a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License.
Thomas Bochmann: Thomas has founded the homeopathy portal in which OpenHomeopath is integrated.
Thomas also contributes much to OpenHomeopath by suggestions, proposals and constructive criticism.
He also provides on some scripst, which assist OpenHomeopath.
Bernd Zille: His German homeopathic program for Windows BZ-Homöopathie inspired me to write OpenHomeopath.
Special credits for granting us the license to use his repertory with OpenHomeopath for uncommercially. See here for details.
For using OpenHomeopath Javascript and Cookies (at least from the same site) have to be enabled in the browser.
OpenHomeopath is optimized for:
Screen resolution: 1280x1024 or more
Browser: Chromium/Chrome, Opera and Firefox
Operating system: tested under Linux, but should work also on other systems.
Server requirements
MySQL from version 5.1
PHP from PHP 5.3
UTF-8 support.
Installation and configuration
Create a MySQL database and a user who has all rights for the database.
Rename the file "include/classes/db/config_db_sample.php" to "config_db.php" and edit it, providing the name of the MySQL database, the username and his password. Also you must choose the database driver: "mysqli" or "mysql".
Protect the file "config_db.php" on the server against unauthorized read and write access (e.g. with chmod 600), because the password is saved in plain text. Please note, that the server still needs read access. Not necessary with a local installation.
Upload the whole folder to your webserver. This can also be your local computer or laptop.
Open "" in your browser and import the data to the database.
If everything is fine you can delete the file "sql/OpenHomeopath.sql.gz" on your server.
The default user with administration rights is "admin" with the password: "admin". Log in as "admin" under "".
This can take a while, because OpenHomeopath has to generate some more tables.
Here we go. I recommend to change the admin password.