How can I support OpenHomeopath?
If you like OpenHomeopath and you want to help us you've the following options:
- Feedback: We depend on your feedback. If you find bugs or have an idea how to improve the program please write me an e-mail.
- Advertise: To popularize OpenHomeopath and help the community to grow you can link to OpenHomeopath from homeopathy related websites as well as post in related forums and social networks like facebook about us. Also writing an article for a homeopathic magazine could help.
Donations: OpenHomeopath is open-source and this will remain so. But that doesn't mean that we've no costs of development. We need much time for programming and testing. It's really a large project.
In addition we've fixed costs for server, Internet, electricity and computer service.
We consciously don't take money from advertising so we depend only on your help. Here you can send your donation in Euro or US-Dollar with PayPal to us.
On the PayPal site you can check the option "Make this a monthly donation".
Similar to a standing order we will receive the donation amount monthly until you cancel it.
Alternatively you can transfer money directly to our bank account. A good idea would be a standing order. It allows us planning in longer terms.
Our bank account:
Bank: Nest Bank (in Poland)
Recipient: Henri Schumacher
IBAN: PL25 1870 1045 2078 1195 1690 0002
Description: OpenHomeopath + username or e-mail
- Complete the database : You can actively add repertories with the express-tool. If someone has a English or German materia medica in digital format please contact. This can be a textfile, a table, a PDF with text or a database. I will try to import it to OpenHomeopath.
- Translations: It would be nice to have OpenHomeopath translated in more languages. For the internationalization I'm using gettext. With the poeditor it's easy to make new translations and integrate them. In addition the help files and parts of the database, specially the main rubrics, must be translated. If you're interested please send me an e-mail.