Samuel Hahnemann

OpenHomeopath Manual


Homeopathy is a healing method, that was foundet at the beginning of the 19th century by the physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and that is based on the principle "Similia similibus curentur" - let like be cured by like, according to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people.

The basis for the homeopathic treatment was created by proving thousands of remedies (from plant, animal and mineral origin) on healthy people and describing them in "Materia Medica's".
In order to make it more easy to find the right remedy ("Similimum"), the symptoms with the related remedies were combined to rubrics and published in a structurized form as "Repertories".
In a rubric each remedy got a grade from 1-3, 1-4 or 1-5 (according to the repertory), depending on how strongly the corresponding symptom is pronounced.

The homeopath is collecting the symptoms including the modalities by a detailed interview of the patient ("Anamnesis").
Based on the symptoms we can limit the choice of the remedies by repertorization.
We should pay special attention to symptoms, that are atypical for the disease course and important for the patient, which may be significant for the choice of the remedy.
To find the right remedy from the repertorized ones you should consult detailed descriptions of the remedies and select the one, which is the most relevant to the patient in constitution and symptoms.
