Samuel Hahnemann

OpenHomeopath Manual

User account

In the navigation bar of OpenHomeopath you find the user menue beneath Usericon.

If you aren't logged in you see here only the item "Log in". From here you get to the log in form. Here you can log in with username and password.
If you forgot the password send the "Forgot Password?" form with your username and we'll send a new password to your registered email.
For register click on "Not registered? – Sign-Up!" and you come to the registration form.
After filling in and sending the form you will get an email with your password.

If you're logged in you've the following items in the user menue:
  • "My account",
  • "Settings",
  • "Log out".
If you've it activated in the setting you see beneath a list with the currently active users.
When clicking on a user you get more informations about him.

My account

In the user account you find under General Info details about the user, which you can change in the Settings.

In the sortable Saved repertorizations table you can choose a repertorization for:
  • "Show repertorization" - return to the repertorization result,
  • "Add more symptoms" - continue with the selected repertorization,
  • "Delete repertorization" - delete the selected repertorization,
  • "Change public-state" - publish a repertorization, which allows other users to see it in your user-info under the URL: "userinfo.php?user=your_username" (replace your_username with your username).

Under Personalize the Repertory you can compose your personal Repertory profile by selecting which sources will be included. This profile is used by the Repertorization, if you're logged in.
The reversed repertorization in the Materia Medica also uses the personalized repertory.
Accordingly, the Symptom-Info uses the personalized repertory in the remedy list.

Under Personalize the Materia Medica you can compose your personal Materia Medica by selecting which sources will be included. This profile will be used by the Remedy Descriptions in the Materia Medica if you're logged in.

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Log out

Here you can log out.

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