Samuel Hahnemann

Express-Tool Manual

  1. Select the corresponding source. If the source doesn't exists you first have to add it to the source table.
  2. Select the corresponding main rubric. If the main rubric doesn't exists you may first add it to the main rubrics table.
  3. In the text area insert the symptom-remedy records according to the following rules:
    • The symptom-remedy records are seperated by line breaks.
    • First insert the symptom including parent rubrics. The subrubrics are seperated by a '>'.
    • For not rewriting the parent rubrics each time you can use a short form:
      '>' at the beginning replaces the previous parent rubric.
      With '>>' at the beginning you jump back one parent rubric, with '>>>' 2 parent rubrics etc..
    • For books you can specify the page number by 'p.' + page number (e.g. 'p.123').
    • You can add a Künzli-dot for the symptom with @.
    • Text in parentheses ('()') will be saved seperatly as extra information.
    • After this insert a colon (':') and the remedy list.
    • The remedy abbreviations are separated by commas (','). Semicolons (';') or spaces (' ') are also allowed. Dots ('.') at the end of the abbreviations can be leaved out. The abbreviations are not case-sensitive.
    • After each remedy the grade from 1 - 5 is appended with a hyphen ('-'). The default grade is 1 and can be leaved out.
    • Behind each remedy you can add the status of proving by one of the following signs:
      • ' ** ' :  repeatedly confirmed
      • ' * ' :  confirmed
      • ' % ' :  newer, not further confirmed / less known source
      • ' ^ ' :  copied from subrubric
      • ' __ ' :  unconfirmed
      • ' _ ' :  insufficiently confirmed
    • You can add a Künzli-dot to the remedy with the @ sign.
    • You can add reference sources seperated from the remedy and from each other by a hash ('#').
    • Remedies from nonclassical provings (e.g. dream provings) must be enclosed in curly brackets ('{ }') and appended at the end of the remedy list.
    • Example with 2 symptoms:
      conditions > bath > cold, amel.: alum-4,ang-2,apis-2,bell-2,caps-2
      phenomena > air > through him, seems to go: calc-2,coloc-2
  4. If a remedy abbreviation could not be found in the database, an error is thrown and the record reappear in the text area for correction.
    Check if you have no spelling error, otherwise check with the datadmin search function if the remedy table uses another abbreviation.
    In this case you can add your alternative abbreviation to the alias table.
    The remedy database contains with more then 3600 entries nearly all possible homeopathic remedies. If you really have a new remedy you can add it to the remedy table.
    After correcting the record in the text area resend the form.
  5. If the specified grade, status or Künzli-dot are not consistent with the corresponding symptom-remedy-relation in the databasen and the record originates from you, it will be updated with the specified values. Otherwise the original record remains unchanged.
    To reverse a change you can either resend the record with the correct value or you correct the record in Datadmin.
  6. Remedy aliases can be inserted directly with the Expresstool:
    • The alias is a remedy abbreviation, which can be use alternatively to the common abbreviation.
    • The alias declarations are seperated by line break. You can assign several comma seperated aliases to one remedy.
    • The Syntax of a alias declaration: "alias: remedy abbreviation = alias abbreviation [,alias abbreviation,...]"
    • Take care of the spelling of the alias abbreviation. Generally it should end with a dot.
    • Example: "alias: Iod. = Jod."
  7. Sources can also be inserted directly with the Expresstool:
    • Each source is seperated by line break.
    • The syntax of a source specification: "Keyword: Source-ID#Author#Title#Year#Language#Maximum grade[#Source type]"
    • The Keyword is either 'source' for a main source or 'ref' for a reference source.
    • Source-ID is the source identificator, which is alphanumeric and contain maximum 12 characters.
    • Author: The source author.
    • Title: The source title.
    • Year: Specify the publication year in the form '1902', '1783-1785' or '1988-'.
    • Language: The language code from the languages table (e.g. 'en' for English, 'de' for German, etc.). If the language doesn't exists you first have to add it to the languages table.
    • Maximum grade: The maximum grade of the source. A number from 1-5.
    • Source type: Allowed values are (write both, German and English):
      • "Repertorium / Repertory"
      • "Materia Medica"
      • "Publikation / Publication"
      • "Arzneimittelprüfung / Proving"
      • "Klinischer Fall / Clinical"
      • "Autor / Author"
      • "Sonstiges / Others"
      If you don't specify the type "Repertorium / Repertory" will be used.