It is recommended to use OpenHomeopath with a screen resolution of at least 1280x1024.
Javascript and Cookies (at least from the same site) have to be enabled in the browser.
You can change the layout of OpenHomeopath by selecting a skin. At the moment we've 2 skins: "original" from Henri Schumacher and "kraque" without sidebar from Thomas Bochmann.
At the moment OpenHomeopath is translated in English and German.
The most important parts of OpenHomeopath are well organized in Tabs on the homepage.
You can work independently on each tab without changing the content of the other tabs.
If you start OpenHomeopath you see 2 tabs, Repertorization and Materia Medica. After logging in the tab My Account appear. There are 2 more tabs that show up on request, the Repertorization result and the Symptom-Info.
In the tabs Repertorization result, Materia Medica and Symptom-Info can go back and forward to previous views.
In the Original skin you see on the left side the navigation menue, from where you can reach each part of the program.
This is the most important part of the program, where we make the main repertorization work.
If you start a new repertorization, on the left side you can choose a main rubric or all rubrics. In the middle you find the symptom search form where you can provide the search items and choose the search mode.
If a symptom exists in different translations your preferred symptom-language will be considered, which can be set in your program settings.
After pressing the "Show symptoms"-button two selection forms will show up.
In the upper one you see a tree view of the symptoms you requested. If you're selecting a symptom for repertorization by clicking on it, the symptom shows up in the second window.
To switch to the Symptom-Info you can click the icon beside the symptom.
By clicking on the icon you unselect the symptom.
You can change the selection of symptoms in the upper window by changing the filters and search patterns and pressing again the "Show symptoms"-button. The symptom selection in the lower window will remain untouched.
If you've finished the symptom selection press the "Repertorize"-button.
After repertorizing a new tab shows up with the Repertorization result.
You can save - or view -
the repertorization result as PDF. The PDF-file contains the 20 most important remedies and is prepared for printing in A4-format.
If you are logged in, you can save the repertory results to the database.
For continue repertorizing this case press "Add more symptoms".
In the Materia Medica you find details about a remedy and all symptoms related to this remedy. For retrieving a Materia Medica type the beginning of the remedy name or abbreviation in the search form and select it from the suggested remedies.
Move the mouse over a symptom to see the grade and the sources.
When clicking you get a popup window with the Symptom-remedy-details.
You can filter the symptom selection by main rubric and minimal grade.
After selecting main rubric and grade press "Send request".
To the Symptom-Info you get either from Repertorization or Materia Medica.
In the frame-legend you find the rubric path of the symptom from where you can-m jump to the Symptom-Info of the parent rubrics.
Next you see a list with crossreferences if any. On click you jump to the requested Symptom-Info.
Beneath you find a treeview with the subrubrics of this rubric.
To switch to the Symptom-Info you can click the icon beside the subrubric.
Move the mouse over a remedy to see the grade and the sources.
When clicking you get a popup window with the Symptom-remedy-details.
You can sort the remedies with a drop-down list by grade, name or abbreviation.
When sorting by abbreviation the remedy list is much more compact, which looks nice in big rubrics.
You can also filter the remedy selection by minimal grade from a drop-down list.
Here you can edit and extend the database. Details in the manual of Data maintenance.
Here you find this Help.
Here you find information about program version, license, copyright and credits.
You get also the requirements of the client and the server and introductions for installation and configuration of OpenHomeopath.