I'm on work ....
Samuel Hahnemann

Materia Medica

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Materia Medica

Arnica montana (Arn.)

  • Remedy name: Arnica montana
  • Remedy-No.: 35
  • Abbreviation: Arn.
  • Systematics and provings: Arnica montana at provings.info.
  • More links and information: Arnica montana at Research.

Remedy description (Source: BZ-Homöopathie)

  • related remedies: Bapt.; Bell.; Echi.; Ham.; Hyper.; Rhus-t.
  • Antidotes: Acon.; Am-c.; Ars.; Camph.; Chin.; Cic.; Coff.; Ferr.; Ign.; Ip.; Seneg.
  • preparation / origin / synonyms: Getrockneter u. gepulverter Wurzelstock einschl. Wurzeln d. Arnika

Corresponding symptoms

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Expand main rubric Main rubric Back
Expand main rubric Main rubric Bladder
Expand main rubric Main rubric Chest
Expand main rubric Main rubric Chill
Expand main rubric Main rubric Cough
Expand main rubric Main rubric Ear
Expand main rubric Main rubric Expectoration
Expand main rubric Main rubric Extremities
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Expand main rubric Main rubric Face
Expand main rubric Main rubric Fever
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