The most important parts of OpenHomeopath are well organized in Tabs on the homepage.
The main purpose of OpenHomeopath is to find the corresponding homeopathic remedies for a selection of symptoms. This process we call Repertorization.
OpenHomeopath contains at the moment the repertories of Kent, Bogner, Boenninghausen and the Repertorium publicum of Vladimir Polony in English and the repertories of Kent and from BZ-Homöopathie in German.
If you are logged in, you can save the repertory results together with patient-ID, prescription, case note and date.
The saved repertorizations can be managed from your user account. You can review them, continue repertorizing, publish them to other users or delete them.
You can also save or print the repertorization result as PDF. The PDF-file contains the 20 most important remedies and is prepared for printing in A4-format.
In the Materia Medica you can retrieve all corresponding symptoms and rubrics for the given remedy together with the grades. In the Materia Medica you can find also details about the remedy like related and incompatible remedies, antidotes, notes about preparation, origin and synonyms, a general description and the leading symptoms.
The Repertory and the Materia Medica can be customized in the user account by choosing the sources to be included.
OpenHomeopath provides an extendable database which contains the symptoms, remedies and symptom-remedy-relations. You can use Datadmin and the Express-Tool for editing and extending the database. With the Express-Tool you have a straight forward tool for copying repertories from books to OpenHomeopath.
OpenHomeopath is opensource and distributed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3).
I hope OpenHomeopath helps you to heal.
Proposals and improvements are very welcome.