I'm on work ....
Samuel Hahnemann


Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.

Extremities >> cramps > foot > sole
  • Symptom: cramps > foot > sole
  • Symptom-No.: 22650
  • Main rubric: Extremities
  • Native language: English
  • Translations:
    • German: Krämpfe > Fuß > Fußsohle
  • More details: Research


Collapse main rubric Main rubric Extremities
Collapse rubric Symptom rubric cramps > foot > sole
bed Info
colic, preceding Info
dancing, when Info
daytime Info
drawing on boot Info
evening Info
hanging foot down, on Info
intermittent fever, in Info
lain on, on the side Info
menses, during Info
morning, 3 a.m. Info
moving, on Info
night Info
pregnancy, during Info
putting out foot, on Info
riding in a carriage, while Info
sitting, while Info
smoking, from Info
standing Info
stepping, on Info
stretching, on Info
walking Info

Corresponding remedies

Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.


64 remedy-relations

Materia Medica Materia Medica
