I'm on work ....
Samuel Hahnemann


Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.

Genitalia male >> pain > testes
  • Symptom: pain > testes
  • Symptom-No.: 44747
  • Main rubric: Genitalia male
  • Native language: English
  • Translations:
    • German: Schmerz > Hoden
  • More details: Research

Cross references


Collapse main rubric Main rubric Genitalia male
Collapse rubric Symptom rubric pain > testes
afternoon Info
coughing, on Info
emission Info
erections, after Info
evening Info
extending Info
extending through abdomen Info
left Info
lying agg. Info
morning Info
motion agg. Info
motion, amel. Info
night Info
noon Info
paroxysmal Info
pinching, (R. and radiating to thigh) Info
pressure of clothing agg. Info
right Info
rising, after Info
sexual excitement, after Info
sickening as from a blow Info
sitting, while Info
standing agg. Info
stepping heavily Info
stool, during Info
touch, on Info
urination, during Info
walking, while Info
wine agg. Info

Corresponding remedies

Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.


84 remedy-relations

Materia Medica Materia Medica
