I'm on work ....
Samuel Hahnemann


Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.

Head >> pain > pressing > forehead
  • Symptom: pain > pressing > forehead
  • Symptom-No.: 48328
  • Main rubric: Head
  • Native language: English
  • Translations:
    • German: Kopfschmerz > drückender > Stirn
  • More details: Research

Cross references


Collapse main rubric Main rubric Head
Collapse rubric Symptom rubric pain > pressing > forehead
above Info
afternoon Info
air Info
alternating with expansion Info
alternating with stitching Info
ascending steps Info
backward Info
ball, as from Info
band, as from Info
bed, in Info
bending head backward agg. Info
bending head backward, amel. Info
bending head down, on Info
chill, during Info
close the eyes, compelled to Info
closing eyes amel. Info
cold air agg. Info
cold applications amel. Info
company agg. Info
coughing, on Info
cramp-like Info
crowded room Info
daytime Info
descending steps Info
dinner, after Info
downward Info
dull point, as with a Info
eating Info
eminence, frontal Info
evening Info
excitement Info
exercise, after Info
extending Info
extending downward Info
eyes, over Info
fever, during Info
fingers, as from a Info
forenoon Info
forward Info
hat, as from a tight Info
hiccough, from Info
house, in, agg. Info
intermittent Info
inward Info
jarring agg. Info
light agg. Info
looking intently Info
lying Info
lying amel. Info
menses Info
mental exertion, from Info
morning Info
motion Info
narrow, as if too Info
night, waking, on Info
noise agg. Info
noon Info
nose, above Info
opening the eyes Info
outward Info
paroxysmal Info
pressure amel. Info
raising the head Info
reading, while Info
riding Info
rising, on Info
room, in Info
shaking the head Info
sides Info
sitting Info
smoking Info
sneezing, after Info
spots Info
standing, while Info
stool Info
stooping Info
sudden Info
supper, after Info
talking, after Info
thinking of it Info
uncovering body amel. Info
upward Info
waking, on Info
walking Info
Walking, rapidly Info
warm room agg. Info
warm room, amel. Info
warm, stove agg. Info
weight of hat Info
weight or stone, as if Info
writing, while Info

Corresponding remedies

Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.


238 remedy-relations

Materia Medica Materia Medica
