I'm on work ....
Samuel Hahnemann


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Head >> enlarged > extended upward, the vertex seems > and as if split open by a wedge from the outside body icy cold, skin moist and sticky: cannot get warm, even under a feather bed, face yellow: whines with the pain; head burns like fire, with thirst
  • Symptom: enlarged > extended upward, the vertex seems > and as if split open by a wedge from the outside body icy cold, skin moist and sticky: cannot get warm, even under a feather bed, face yellow: whines with the pain; head burns like fire, with thirst
  • Symptom-No.: 45481
  • Main rubric: Head
  • Native language: English
  • Translations:
    • German: vergrößertes Gefühl > erweitert nach oben, der Scheitel scheint > und gespalten wie durch einen Keil, mit eiskaltem Körper und feuchter und klammiger Haut; kann sich nicht erwärmen, auch nicht unter einem Federbett, Gesichtsfarbe gelb; jammert mit Schmerzen; Kopf brennt wie Feuer bei großem Durst
  • More details: Research

Cross references


Collapse main rubric Main rubric Head
Expand rubric Symptom enlarged > extended upward, the vertex seems > and as if split open by a wedge from the outside body icy cold, skin moist and sticky: cannot get warm, even under a feather bed, face yellow: whines with the pain; head burns like fire, with thirst

Corresponding remedies

Important! Guests are limited to the Homeopathic Repertory from Kent (kent.en). For activating more repertories an customizing OpenHomeopath you have to register for a Premium account.


1 remedy-relation

Materia Medica Materia Medica
